Opening day report from.....NGMS.
Well the place was packed....Prolly the most karts we have seen other than at a State race or two....New clay is great...No where near as bumpy as I thought it would be...Rodney did a good job putting the new clay down....It will get smoother. We had a good day....One of those days that the kart is quick when we unloaded it and it stayed fast all day with the right tires on it....Only time we were slow was with the HT5's....That is a good thing because the track will pick up a bunch of bite by the State race on the 31st. It was nice to see some of our racing friends and bench race with a few...Nothing like catching up after a long winter....Lot's of new faces...Most of which I guess are comming from Blueridge. Posted below are some pics Jennifer took at the track today...Thanx Baby.

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