Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Just click play.....I'll let the motor speak for itself.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
WARNING to all Georgia drivers....
There is a 16 year old on the loose....Devin passed his drivers test today....He can be seen driving a 2001 black Mazda truck.....I just hope he doesn't get a black flag...LOL I guess my fingers will now be permanently crossed....It has never bothered me seeing him on the track running 60 MPH, but on the road is awhole nother matter.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
4th GA State Stocklite feature race.....
We set outside pole in Stocklite....Tippens set pole.....Devin fell in right behind Tippens on the first start...It was waved off.....He took the lead on the second start....He didn't stay upfront for long....Tippens went by him on the 2nd lap and Walden and Ridley got by to.....Then Walden and Ridley got in the loose stuff on the back stretch and Devin got back by both of them...By this time Tippens had checked out and Devin did a good job of holding onto to 2nd.....Until they were coming to the white flag and Devin made one small mistake and both Ridley and Walden got back by him.....Devin ended up finishing 4th.....All in all a good run for us.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Sunday, June 03, 2007
We opened up a few dates on our racing calendar tonight....
We had another night at NGMS that left me scratching my head.....I thru everything I had at the track and still couldn't get the damn tires to bite after it dried out.....? We even ran med to just to see if we could get anything to work.....Nope....We had another Falcon driver offer sticker tires to run in the Med feature to see if they would work....They wouldn't stick.....Tried very sticky Vega's....They wouldn't stick.....So after running 3rd in the heat with a set of T3's in Lite we went back to those same tires for the Lite feature and went straight to the back....Beats the hell out of me....? We won't race the rest of the points....Just try to figure it out on non-points night....Maybe hit a day race where the track will have some bite.