Had another killer quailfying run for the BIG ONE....
It rained and it thru us off for quailfying for animal 375....With 44 karts trying to qualify for 24 spots we were lucky enough to make the show in 24th....With alittle help from a good friend we made a tire change and turned it on for Pro....Quailfyied 7th out of 47 karts...Out qualifyed all but one of the big dagws that came from out-of-town for this huge money race. Ran well in both mains but thru the chain in the pro race running about 10th or so....I think we had a top 10 kart easy....Might have even caught a break and made it into the top 5....The top 3 were all Firehawks...Bradley won it. Here is the quailfying sheet and some pics from the race.

The pits were full....

Here is the Pro race video...
First half...
Second half...
The pits were full....
Here is the Pro race video...
First half...
Second half...